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Showing posts with label Samsung s8 price in Nigeria?. Show all posts

Samsung Galaxy s8 - Price In Nigeria, Spec & Review


Samsung Galaxy s8 - Price In Nigeria,
Samsung Galaxy s8 - Price In Nigeria

The price ranges from 130,000 Naira to 200,000 Naira.

Samsung Galaxy S8 Specification and Review:

Launched in 2017, Samsung Galaxy S8 was touted to be a game-changer in the smartphone market. At first glance, the unique, sleek design of the S8, coupled with its high gloss finish makes a crucial statement.

 Its endless display ensures maximum immersion when you’re busy playing off-hours or indulging in weekend binge-watching. Suffice it to say that the phone looks fantastic.

1. Samsung Galaxy S8 comes with a 5.8-inch Quad HD+ Super AMOLED display for stunning visuals.

2. The device is powered by an Exynos 8895 or Snapdragon 835 processor, offering robust performance.

3. It features a 12 MP rear camera and an 8 MP front camera for impressive shots.

4. With 4GB RAM and up to 64GB internal storage, the Samsung Galaxy S8 offers ample space for your apps, files, and media.

5. It runs on Android 7.0 (Nougat), ensuring a user-friendly experience. Packed with a 3000mAh battery, it promises long usage hours.

6. Review-wise, the Samsung Galaxy S8 has received high praise for its sleek design, performance, and camera quality.

7. Some users have reported that the fingerprint sensor located at the back of the phone can be hard to reach.

8. The phone is not only water and dust-resistant but also supports wireless charging.

9. Galaxy S8’s edge-to-edge infinity display sets a new standard for uninterrupted, immersive experiences. 

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Samsung Galaxy s8 - Price In Nigeria,
Samsung Galaxy s8 - Price In Nigeria,

 Frequently Asked Questions on Samsung Galaxy s8 - Price In Nigeria

Samsung s8 price in Nigeria?

The price of Samsung s8 in Nigeria is 150,000

Samsungs8 price in Nigeria UK Used? 


Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus?

The Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus costs 195,000

How much is Samsung Galaxy s8 in South Africa?

The Samsung Galaxy S8 costs around  Rand 10,000 in South Africa.

Is Samsung Galaxy S8 a Good Device In Nigeria?

1. The Samsung Galaxy S8 is a popular choice among Nigerians due to its high-performance capabilities.
2. It has an impressive display and sleek design that appeals to most people.
3. It boasts of strong battery life, a crucial feature because of power outage issues in Nigeria.
4. With a high-quality camera, it's great for capturing the beautiful landscapes and moments happening in and around Nigeria.
5. Its water and dust-resistant feature make it suitable for the African environment.

Does Samsung Galaxy S8 have 4G LTE?

Yes, absolutely! The Samsung Galaxy S8 is equipped with 4G LTE capabilities. It means you can enjoy super-fast internet on the go.

Where Can I Get Samsung Galaxy S8 Online?

Samsung Galaxy S8 is available on or