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iPhone 8 Plus Price In Nigeria 2024 & Spec

iPhone 8 Plus price in Nigeria
iPhone 8 Plus

The iPhone 8 Plus was launched in September 2017 as part of the 11th generation of the iPhone. Primarily made of glass and aluminum, it came with significant improvements over its predecessors, including a faster processor, better camera, and wireless charging capability. 

These features, together with the brand's reputation and status symbol attached to iPhone products in Nigeria, have made the iPhone 8 Plus a sought-after product.

 But the question on everyone's mind is, 'What's the price in Nigeria?' The range varies greatly!

 Some e-commerce platforms sell the iPhone 8 Plus for anywhere between 150,000 and 230,000 Nigerian Naira, depending on factors like the model and storage capacity.

 Remember, pre-owned iPhone 8 Pluses may be more affordable, but make sure the device is in good working condition before purchasing.

iPhone 8 Plus price in Nigeria

iPhone 8 Plus 64GB 160,000 - 200,000

iPhone 8 Plus 256GB 200,000 - 250,000

iPhone 8 Plus price in Nigeria UK Used

iPhone 8 Plus  UK Used 64GB 130,000 - 150,000

iPhone 8 Plus  UK Used 256GB 150,000 - 180,000

How much is iPhone 8 price in Nigeria

iPhone 8 price in Nigeria ranges from 130,000 - 150,000 

Where to buy iPhone 8 in Nigeria

Check out retail stores near you or you can order from store, jiji store or konga store online

Buying Tips

Before buying your iPhone 8 Plus, do the following:

• Check to ensure the phone is original and not a clone.

• Verify the condition by testing all the vital functions like the camera, the Touch ID, the battery, and the operating system.

• Confirm the warranty status.

• Compare prices from various vendors to ensure you get the best deal.

iPhone 8 Plus Specifications and Review

- The iPhone 8 Plus boasts of a sleek, modern design with a powerful A11 Bionic chip capable of handling multiple tasks simultaneously.

- It displays a 5.5-inch Retina HD screen, offering crisp visuals and vibrant colors. The screen also supports 3D touch.

- The device provides a considerable storage capacity, available in 64GB and 256GB variants, allowing for plenty of downloads and storage.

- One of the key highlights of the iPhone 8 Plus is its dual 12MP rear camera and a 7MP front-facing camera, offering excellent photo and video quality.

- It operates with iOS 11 software which runs smoothly and provides a user-friendly experience.

- The wireless charging feature is a novel addition, providing quick and efficient charging.


The iPhone 8 Plus is undeniably a brilliant smartphone that offers premium features and an enhanced user experience.
 Its price in Nigeria reflects its top-notch specifications and the quality build. So, if you are looking for a high-end smartphone that is stylish, durable, and provides an excellent mobile experience, then the iPhone 8 Plus is a clear choice.
 However, do not forget to use the buying tips above to make a wise buying decision. Happy shopping!

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