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iPhone 8 Plus Price In Nigeria 2024 & Spec

iPhone 8 Plus price in Nigeria
iPhone 8 Plus

The iPhone 8 Plus was launched in September 2017 as part of the 11th generation of the iPhone. Primarily made of glass and aluminum, it came with significant improvements over its predecessors, including a faster processor, better camera, and wireless charging capability. 

These features, together with the brand's reputation and status symbol attached to iPhone products in Nigeria, have made the iPhone 8 Plus a sought-after product.

 But the question on everyone's mind is, 'What's the price in Nigeria?' The range varies greatly!

 Some e-commerce platforms sell the iPhone 8 Plus for anywhere between 150,000 and 230,000 Nigerian Naira, depending on factors like the model and storage capacity.

 Remember, pre-owned iPhone 8 Pluses may be more affordable, but make sure the device is in good working condition before purchasing.

iPhone 8 Plus price in Nigeria

iPhone 8 Plus 64GB 160,000 - 200,000

iPhone 8 Plus 256GB 200,000 - 250,000

iPhone 8 Plus price in Nigeria UK Used

iPhone 8 Plus  UK Used 64GB 130,000 - 150,000

iPhone 8 Plus  UK Used 256GB 150,000 - 180,000

How much is iPhone 8 price in Nigeria

iPhone 8 price in Nigeria ranges from 130,000 - 150,000 

Where to buy iPhone 8 in Nigeria

Check out retail stores near you or you can order from store, jiji store or konga store online

Buying Tips

Before buying your iPhone 8 Plus, do the following:

• Check to ensure the phone is original and not a clone.

• Verify the condition by testing all the vital functions like the camera, the Touch ID, the battery, and the operating system.

• Confirm the warranty status.

• Compare prices from various vendors to ensure you get the best deal.

iPhone 8 Plus Specifications and Review

- The iPhone 8 Plus boasts of a sleek, modern design with a powerful A11 Bionic chip capable of handling multiple tasks simultaneously.

- It displays a 5.5-inch Retina HD screen, offering crisp visuals and vibrant colors. The screen also supports 3D touch.

- The device provides a considerable storage capacity, available in 64GB and 256GB variants, allowing for plenty of downloads and storage.

- One of the key highlights of the iPhone 8 Plus is its dual 12MP rear camera and a 7MP front-facing camera, offering excellent photo and video quality.

- It operates with iOS 11 software which runs smoothly and provides a user-friendly experience.

- The wireless charging feature is a novel addition, providing quick and efficient charging.


The iPhone 8 Plus is undeniably a brilliant smartphone that offers premium features and an enhanced user experience.
 Its price in Nigeria reflects its top-notch specifications and the quality build. So, if you are looking for a high-end smartphone that is stylish, durable, and provides an excellent mobile experience, then the iPhone 8 Plus is a clear choice.
 However, do not forget to use the buying tips above to make a wise buying decision. Happy shopping!

Solar Battery Price in Nigeria

Solar is one of the most abundant and consistent forms of energy, it offers the prospect of providing long-term, lasting solutions to Nigeria's energy crisis. 

As such, solar battery prices in Nigeria have become a hot topic and a major concern. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore solar battery prices in Nigeria, delving into the factors that affect these prices and the types of solar batteries available. 

We will break down this tangled web in an easy-to-understand, casual tone.

Understanding Solar Batteries

Solar batteries are an essential component of solar power systems. They store the energy generated by the solar panels during the day, making it available for use at night or during power outages. Therefore, finding the cost of solar batteries in Nigeria is crucial for anyone planning to set up a solar power system in their home, office, or facility.

Types of Solar Batteries and their Prices in Nigeria

There are three main types of solar batteries available in the Nigerian market; lead-acid batteries, lithium-ion batteries, and saltwater batteries.

1. Lead Acid Batteries: This is the oldest type of rechargeable battery, and they are cheaper than the other types. They are best suited for systems with high energy needs, such as rural electrification projects. In Nigeria, the price for a 200Ah lead-acid battery ranges from NGN 90,000 to NGN 120,000.

2. Lithium-Ion Batteries: These batteries have a higher energy density than lead-acid batteries. They are also more efficient, have a longer lifespan, and require less maintenance. The price of a 200Ah lithium-ion solar battery in Nigeria can range from NGN 350,000 to NGN 600,000.

3. Saltwater Batteries: Known for being the most environmentally friendly option, saltwater batteries use saltwater electrolytes to store energy. However, their cost-effectiveness and sustainability come with lower efficiency and shorter lifespan, and they are not commonly used in Nigeria.

Solar Battery Price in Nigeria ranges from 150,000 - 400,000 depending on the brand or manufacturer.

Factors Affecting the Solar Battery Prices in Nigeria

1. Capacity: The size or capacity of the solar battery you choose will directly impact the price. Larger-capacity batteries cost more than their smaller counterparts.

2. Technology: Different types of solar batteries utilize different technologies. Depending on the technology used, the costs can vary. Typically, lithium-ion batteries are more expensive than their lead-acid counterparts but offer superior performance and a longer lifespan.

3. Brand: In Nigeria, a brand name often plays a significant role in the price of solar batteries. Trustworthy, internationally established brands often have higher prices compared to lesser-known brands.

4. Market Fluctuations: The global market has a major effect on solar battery prices in Nigeria. Factors such as inflation, foreign exchange rates, and changes in import and export policies can cause the prices to fluctuate.

Tips to Lower Solar Battery Costs

1. Consider Your Energy Needs: Understand your energy needs. Investing in a larger battery than you need will only result in unnecessary expenditure.

2. Maintenance: Properly maintaining your solar battery can extend its life and save you from frequent replacements.

3. Government Incentives: Be on the lookout for government incentives and offers. These usually aim to promote the use of renewable energy and can drastically cut costs.

4. Bargain: Don't shy from haggling. Inquire about discounts or purchase deals that could reduce the price of your solar batteries.


As Nigerians continue to grapple with the erratic power supply, solar energy equipped with an efficient solar battery seems a feasible solution. 

While the initial setup and solar battery price in Nigeria might seem a hurdle, the long-term benefits, and savings on energy bills make it an investment worth considering. Remember to factor in your energy needs, the type of battery, brand, and market conditions when determining the cost.

 With the right planning and choices, the sun can indeed light up your world!